December Mom of the Month: Kameron
Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Kameron, and I’m a new mom to a 2 year old. I’m a full time banker and hands on everything. I’m a part time Uber driver for my child, I drive him to swimming twice a week and soccer. And I love having girls' nights and working out. I’m a run club coordinator, where I host runs once a week.
What is the best part about being a mom?
Staying booked and busy! Once my son got older, it was exciting to sign him up for different activities. I try to put him in many things I did as a kid. It’s also cool to meet other moms at these events and build a tribe around it.
What do you find challenging about motherhood?
The balance of the time! As a mom, you’re so hands on with your children, so I always try to find time to recharge.
How has balancing everything during a pandemic been?
It’s be extremely challenging, but rewarding at the same time. It’s nice to spend time with my son! Some days are better than some, and taking it one Starbucks cup at a time helps! I try to keep my son busy at home and my job has been very flexible with allowing us to work from home, and ending meetings early in the day, so you can spend more time with family and not have the pressure of working.
What inspires you to be the best mom you can be?
My mom inspires me. The year my son was born in 2018, my mom passed away about 5 months later. She however, instilled a lot of values in me that I will have forever. I feel like I am my mom in a sense, especially with me being home with my son all day now. It reminds me of my mom being home taking care of me and my siblings, as my dad was in the military. She taught me to listen to my son, and I take a lot of what she taught me in being a mom to my son.
What will you tell your son about how to be optimistic in today’s world?
Be a good person, and be genuine. We live in a world where people hide behind their true reality, whether it’s Instagram. We have cyber bullying and mom shaming, and people just aren’t as nice as they portray themselves to be.
What are 3 things you can’t live without?
Starbucks, phone, Tequila!
What would you do if you have 3 hours of no responsibilities?
Go to Haven on the Lake, which is a spiritual retreat wellness center in Columbia.
What’s one thing you wish another mom would have told you about motherhood?
Give yourself patience. When the kids are small, it’s easy to dress them cute and rip and run around. But once they’re older, it becomes more of a challenge, so I learned to develop more patience. I have mastered the art of counting in my head first before reacting.
What’s something you’re looking forward to for the holidays?
Laughter and joy...this year has been trying on everyone and while it’s not about the presents under the tree. I am looking forward to seeing the joy and excitement on my friends and family faces whether via zoom or drive by play pick up. Laughter is contagious and is good for the soul. It pays nothing to be nice to people and during these times and we could use a little more light, laughter and good ole holiday joy!