January Mom of the Month: Tierre


Tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Tierre Tates and I’m a 34 year old mom of one 11 year old. I am a 10 year Ovarian cancer survivor. I’m a lover of all things, and I’ll try anything. 

What is the best part about being a mom?

Growing with my daughter, that’s literally the best part. It’s been so rewarding to learn with her, and letting her be her own person. 

What do you find challenging about motherhood?

Funny, I would say growing with her is a challenge too. Being with her everyday during this pandemic has taught me so much, and has been very challenging. I haven’t been with her everyday like this, since she was an infant. While I want her to be Miss Perfect Princess, she rather roll outside in the dirt. lol I’m trying to figure out what phase of life she’s in, as it changes all the time, and I’m just trying to figure her out. 

What’s one thing you had to overcome with being a mother?

Surviving ovarian cancer. Which was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. With being diagnosed, I was terrified I wouldn’t be here for my daughter. I literally had to plan my funeral and life insurance. I was diagnosed in 2011. 

What’s something that’s important to you?

Therapy is needed. No matter what kind of therapy it is. If you can get a good therapist as a Black Woman, get one. Sometimes you need someone with an unbiased opinion. Therapy has helped me realize my triggers, and things that pull on my emotions. Therapy has helped me realize I’m more than just a mother. 

How has balancing everything during a pandemic been?

For 10 years, my daughter and I were on the go! She had dance everyday, besides Wednesdays and Sundays. We traveled all the time before, and now everything has just stopped. 

What inspires you to be the best mom you can be?

My grandmother, and even though she has passed on, I look at how my grandmother mothered my mom and her other children. I don’t remember my grandma ever working, she was home taking care of home and her kids and grandkids all the time. She never turned anyone away from her table. She inspired me to be the best mother I can be, just because I am her namesake! 

What will you tell your daughter about how to be optimistic in today’s world?

Treat everyone with kindness, because you never know when you're entertaining an angel. Never allow a person to change you from who you are. 

What are 3 things you can’t live without?

Besides my child, there is nothing I can’t live without. And I say that, even though things are my favorite, when my grandmother passed, I thought she was someone I couldn't live without. 

What would you do if you have 3 hours of no responsibilities? 

Lay on the beach! 

What’s one thing you wish another mom would have told you about motherhood?

Don’t sweat the small things.  Because what is small to you today, may not exist tomorrow.  


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